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Where nutrition and mental health intersect

Kitchen Rx, LLC addresses the generational problem of poor mental and physical health outcomes of Black & Brown women and men.

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"The mind and body are housed together, so they must be treated together. Where an issue resides in the body, it likely resides in the mind. Where an issue resides in the mind, it likely manifests in the body as well." 

- Tiffany Jones


"Genes are the bullet, diet is the trigger." 

-Dr. Mark Hyman


Tiffany is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Substance Abuse Counselor in the Commonwealth of VA. She is also a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider. She began to realize how much food and mood are connected through her own relationship with food and those around her. Imagine the time your favorite maternal or paternal figure spent in the kitchen, the love poured into the meal, the time spent with loved ones around the table, now imagine the physical ailments that plague your family: the "generational curses" that are passed down instead of generational health. Kitchen Rx, LLC strives to motivate people to tell different stories through their food and pass down health instead of chronic diseases.



Doing what I can to help others. How can I help you?

Fairfax, VA


Instagram: @Tiffany.KitchenRX


                             : Tiffany J's Kitchen Rx

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